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Bock, J. K., Carreiras, M., & Meseguer, E. (2012). Number meaning and number grammar in English and Spanish. Journal of Memory and Language, 66, 17-37.


Bock, J. K. (2011). "How much correction of syntactic errors are there, anyway?" Language and Linguistics Compass, 5, 322-335.
Bock, J. K., & Middleton, E. (2011). Reaching agreement. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 29, 1033-1069.
Foote, R., & Bock, J. K. (2011). The role of morphology in subject-verb number agreement: A comparison of Mexican and Dominican Spanish. Language and Cognitive Processes.
Kuchinsky, S. E., Bock, J. K., & Irwin, D. E. (2011). Reversing the hands of time: Changing the mapping from seeing to saying. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37, 748-756.


Becic, E., Dell, G. S., Bock, J. K., Garnsey, S. M., Kubose, T. & Kramer, A. F. (2010). Driving impairs talking. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 15-21.
Spalek, K., Bock, J. K., & Schriefers, H. (2010). A purple giraffe is faster than a purple elephant: Inconsistent phonology affects determiner selection in English. Cognition, 114, 123-128.


Konopka, A. E., & Bock, J. K. (2009). Lexical or syntactic control of sentence formulation? Structural generalizations from idiom production. Cognitive Psychology, 58, 68-101.


Bock, J. K. (2008). Editorial. Journal of Memory and Language, 58, 1-2.
Ferreira, V. S., Bock, J. K., Wilson, M. P., & Cohen, N. J. (2008). Memory for syntax despite amnesia. Psychological Science, 19, 940-946.
Lorimor, H., Bock, J. K., Zalkind, E., Sheyman, A., & Beard, R. (2008). Agreement and attraction in Russian. Language and Cognitive Processes, 23, 769-799.
Onishi, K.H., Murphy, G. L., & Bock, J. K. (2008). Prototypicality in sentence production.. Cognitive Psychology, 56, 103-141.


Bock, J. K., Dell, G. S., Garnsey, S. M., Kramer, A. F., & Kubose, T. T. (2007). Car talk, car listen. In A. S. Meyer, L. Wheeldon & A. Krott (Eds.), Automaticity and Control in Language Processing. (pp. 21-42) Hove, England: Psychology Press
Bock, J. K., Dell, G.S., Chang, F., & Onishi, K.H. (2007). Persistent structural priming from language comprehension to language production. Cognition, 104, 437-458.


Bock, J. K., Butterfield, S., Cutler, A., Cutting, J. C., Eberhard, K. M., & Humphreys, K. R. (2006). Number agreement in British and American English: Disagreeing to agree collectively. Language, 82, 64-113
Bock, J. K., Konopka, A. E., & Middleton, E. L. (2006). Language production. In K. Brown (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. (pp. 103-112) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Chang, F., Dell, G. S., & Bock, J. K. (2006). Becoming syntactic. Psychological Review, 113, 234-272.
Ferreira, V. S., & Bock, J. K. (2006). The functions of structural priming. Language and Cognitive Processes, 21, 1011-1029.
Kubose, T. T., Bock, J. K., Dell, G. S., Garnsey, S. M., Kramer, A. F., & Mayhugh, J. (2006). The effects of speech production and speech comprehension on simulated driving performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 43-63.


Eberhard, K. M., Cutting, J. C., Bock, J. K. (2005) Making syntax of sense: Number agreement in sentence production. Psychological Review, 112, 531-559.
Humphreys, K. R., & Bock, J. K. (2005). Notional number agreement in English. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12, 689-695.


Bock, J. K. (2004). Psycholinguistically speaking: Some matters of meaning, marking, and morphing. In B. H. Ross (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation (Vol. 44, pp. 109-144). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Bock, J. K., Eberhard, K. M., & Cutting, J. C. (2004). Producing number agreement: How pronouns equal verbs. Journal of Memory and Language, 51, 251-278.
Bock, J. K., Irwin, D. E., & Davidson, D. J. (2004). Putting first things first. In J. M. Henderson & F. Ferreira (Eds.), The interface of language, vision, and action: Eye movements and the visual world (pp. 249-278). New York: Psychology Press.


Bock, J. K., Irwin, D. E., Davidson, D. J., & Levelt, W. J. M. (2003). Minding the clock. Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 653-685.
Chang, F., Bock, J. K., & Goldberg, A. E. (2003). Can thematic roles leave traces of their places? Cognition, 90, 29-49.
Davidson, D. J., Bock, J. K., & Irwin, D. E. (2003). Tick talk. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 294-299). Boston, MA: Cognitive Science Society.
Hartsuiker, R. J., Schriefers, H. J., Bock, J. K., & Kikstra, G. M. (2003). Morphophonological influences on the construction of subject-verb agreement. Memory & Cognition, 31, 1316-1326.
Loebell, H., & Bock, J. K. (2003). Structural priming across languages. Linguistics, 41, 791-824.


Bock, J. K. & Levelt, W. J. M. (2002). Language production: Grammatical encoding. In G. T. M. Altmann (Ed.), Psycholinguistics: Critical concepts in psychology (Vol. 5, pp. 405-452). London, Routledge. [Reprinted from the Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 1994]


Bock, J. K., Eberhard, K. M., Cutting, J. C., Meyer, A. S., & Schriefers, H. (2001). Some attractions of verb agreement. Cognitive Psychology, 43, 83-128.


Bock, J. K., & Griffin, Z. M. (2000). Producing words: How mind meets mouth. In L. R. Wheeldon (Ed.), Aspects of language production (pp. 7-47). Hove, England: Psychology Press.
Bock, J. K., & Griffin, Z. M. (2000). The persistence of structural priming: Transient activation or implicit learning? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 129, 177-192.
Chang, F., Dell, G. S., Bock, J. K., & Griffin, Z. M. (2000). Structural priming as implicit learning: A comparison of models of sentence production. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research [Special Issue], 29, 217-229.
Griffin, Z. M., & Bock, J. K. (2000). What the eyes say about speaking. Psychological Science, 11, 274-279


Bock, J. K. (1999) Language production. In R. Wilson and F. C. Keil (Eds.), MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (pp. 453-456). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Bock, J. K., & Huitema, J. (1999). Language production. In S. Garrod & M. Pickering (Eds.), Studies in cognition: Language processing (pp. 365-388). Hove, England: Psychology Press.
Bock, J. K., Nicol, J., & Cutting, J. C. (1999). The ties that bind: Creating number agreement in speech. Journal of Memory and Language, 40, 330-346.
Dell, G. S., Ferreira, V. S., & Bock, J. K. (1999). Binding, attention, and exchanges. [Peer commentary on “A theory of lexical access in speech production”]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 41-42.
Meyer, A. S., & Bock, J. K. (1999). Representations and processes in the production of pronouns: Some perspectives from Dutch. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 281-301.
Pearlmutter, N. J., Garnsey, S. M., & Bock, J. K. (1999). Agreement processes in sentence comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 427-456.


Bock, J. K., & Garnsey, S. M. (1998). Language processing. In W. Bechtel & G. Graham (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Cognitive Science (pp. 226-234). Oxford, England: Blackwell.
Griffin, Z. M., & Bock, J. K. (1998). Constraint, word frequency, and the relationship between lexical processing levels in spoken word production. Journal of Memory and Language, 38, 313-338.


Cutting, J. C., & Bock, J. K. (1997). That's the way the cookie bounces: Syntactic and semantic components of experimentally elicited idiom blends. Memory & Cognition, 25, 57-71.


Bock, J. K. (1996). Language production: Methods and methodologies. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3, 395-421.


Bock, J. K. (1995). Producing agreement. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 8, 56-61.
Bock, J. K. (1995). Sentence production: From mind to mouth. In J. Miller & P. Eimas (Eds.) Handbook of perception and cognition (Vol. 11, pp. 181-216): Speech, language, and communication. Academic Press.


Bock, J. K., & Levelt, W. J. M. (1994). Language production: Grammatical encoding. In M. A. Gernsbacher (Ed.), Handbook of psycholinguistics (pp. 945-984). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.


Bock, J. K., & Eberhard, K. M. (1993). Meaning, sound, and syntax in English number agreement. Language and Cognitive Processes, 8, 57-99.
McDonald, J. L., Bock, J. K., & Kelly, M. H. (1993). Word and world order: Semantic, phonological, and metrical determinants of serial position. Cognitive Psychology, 25, 188-230.


Bock, J. K., & Cutting, J. C. (1992). Regulating mental energy: Performance units in language production. Journal of Memory and Language, 31, 99-127.
Bock, J. K., Loebell, H. , & Morey, R. (1992). From conceptual roles to structural relations: Bridging the syntactic cleft. Psychological Review, 99, 150-171.
Meyer, A. S., & Bock, J. K. (1992). The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon: Blocking or partial activation? Memory & Cognition, 20, 715-726.


Bock, J. K. (1991). A sketchbook of production problems. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research [Special Issue on Sentence Processing], 20, 141-160.
Bock, J. K., & Miller, C. A. (1991). Broken agreement. Cognitive Psychology, 23, 45-93.


Bock, J. K. (1990). Structure in language: Creating form in talk.American Psychologist, 45, 1221-1236.
Bock, J. K., & Loebell, H. (1990). Framing sentences.Cognition, 35, 1-39.


Bock, J. K. (1989). Closed-class immanence in sentence production.Cognition, 31, 163-186.
Bock, J. K., & Kroch, A. S. (1989). The isolability of syntactic processes. In G. N. Carlson & M. K. Tanenhaus (Eds.), Linguistic structure in language processing (pp. 157-196). Dordrecht: Reidel.


Kelly, M. H., & Bock, J. K. (1988) Stress in time. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 389-403.


Bock, J. K. (1987). An effect of the accessibility of word forms on sentence structures. Journal of Memory and Language, 26, 119-137.
Bock, J. K. (1987). Coordinating words and syntax in speech plans. In A. W. Ellis (Ed.), Progress in the psychology of language (Vol. 3, pp. 3 37-390). London: Erlbaum.
Bock, J. K. (1987). Exploring levels of processing in sentence production. In G. Kempen (Ed.), Natural language generation (pp. 351-363). Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff.


Bock, J. K. (1986). Meaning, sound, and syntax: Lexical priming in sentence production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 12, 575-586.
Bock, J. K. (1986). Syntactic persistence in language production. Cognitive Psychology, 18, 355-387.
Kelly, M. H., Bock, J. K., & Keil, F. C. (1986). Prototypicality in a linguistic context: Effects on sentence structure. Journal of Memory and Language, 25, 59-74.


Bock, J. K., & Brewer, W. F. (1985). Discourse structure and mental models. In T. H. Carr (Ed.), New directions for child development: The development of reading skills (pp. 55-75). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bock, J. K., & Warren, R. K. (1985). Conceptual accessibility and syntactic structure in sentence formulation. Cognition, 21, 47-67.


Bock, J. K., & Mazzella, J. R. (1983). Intonational marking of given and new information: Some consequences for comprehension. Memory & Cognition, 11, 64-76.


Bock, J. K. (1982). Toward a cognitive psychology of syntax: Information processing contributions to sentence formulation. Psychological Review, 89, 1-47.
Irwin, D. E., Bock, J. K., & Stanovich, K. E. (1982). Effects of information structure cues on visual word processing. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 21, 307-325.


Bock, J. K., & Hornsby, M. E. (1981). The development of directives: How children ask and tell. Journal of Child Language, 8, 141-163.


Bock, J. K., & Brewer, W. F. (1980). Comprehension and memory of the literal and figurative meaning of proverbs. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 9, 59-72.
Bock, J. K., & Irwin, D. E. (1980). Syntactic effects of information availability in sentence production. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 19, 467-484.


Bock, J. K. (1977). The effect of a pragmatic presupposition on syntactic structure in question answering. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 16, 723-734.
Osgood, C. E., & Bock, J. K. (1977). Salience and sentencing: Some production principles. In S. Rosenberg (Ed.), Sentence production: Developments in research and theory (pp. 89-140). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Bock, J. K., & Brewer, W. F. (1974). Reconstructive recall in sentences with alternative surface structures. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 103, 837-843.

Last Updated: July 17, 2012
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Language Production