Reprints - Lawrence Hubert |
To request a reprint, please click on the highlighted text in the list below. If the text is grayed out, that article is not yet available in PDF format. In PressHubert, L. Koehn, H.-F., & Steinley, D. (in press). Order-constrained proximity matrix representations: Ultrametric generalizations and constructions with MATLAB. In S. Kolenikov, L. A. Thombs, & D. Steinley (Eds.), Current methodological developments of statistics in the social sciences (pp. ???-???). New York: Wiley. 2008Steinley, D., & Hubert, L. (2008). Order-constrained solutions in K-means clustering: Even better than being globally optimal. Psychometrika, 73, 647-664. 2007Hubert, L. (2007). Statistically speaking [crossword puzzle]. AMSTAT News, September, 36. Hubert, L. (2007). Statistically speaking [solution to crossword puzzle]. AMSTAT News, September, 54. Hubert, L. J., & Koehn, H.-F. (2007). Lower (anti-Robinson) rank representations for symmetric proximity matrices. In P. Brito, P. Bertrand, G. Cucumel, & F. De Caravalho (Eds.), Selected contributions in data analysis and classification (pp. 495-504). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. 2006Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (2006). The structural representation of proximity matrices with MATLAB. Philadephia: American Statistical Association and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2005Arabie, P., Hubert, L. J., & Carroll, J. D. (2005). Clustering. In K. Kempf-Leonard (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social measurement (Vol. 1, pp. 317-320). San Diego: Elsevier. Carroll, J. D., Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (2005). Multidimensional scaling. In K. Kempf-Leonard (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social measurement (Vol. 2, pp. 779-784). San Diego: Elsevier. Hubert, L., & Steinley, D. (2005). Agreement among Supreme Court justices: Categorical vs. continuous representation. SIAM News, 38(7), 4-7. 2004Carroll, J. D., Arabie, P., Chaturvedi, A., & Hubert, L. J. (2004). Multidimensional scaling and clustering in marketing: Paul Green's role. In Y. Wind & P. E. Green (Eds.), Market research and modeling: Progress and prospects: A tribute to Paul E. Green (pp. 71-100). New York: Springer. 2003Armstrong, P. I., Hubert, L., & Rounds, J. (2003). Circular unidimensional scaling: A new look at group differences in interest structure. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 297-308. Wilson, S. G., Smith, S. B., Chesler, E. J., Melton, K. A., Hass, J. J., Mitton, B., Strasburg, K., Hubert, L., Rodriquez-Zas, S. L., & Mogil, J. S. (2003). The heritability of antinociception: Common pharmacogenetic mediation of five neurochemically distinct analgesics. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 304, 547-559. 2002Hubert, L. J., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. J. (2002). Linear unidimensional scaling in the L2-norm: Basic optimization methods using MATLAB. Journal of Classification, 19, 303-328. 2001Hubert, L . J., & Arabie, P. (2001). Assignment methods in clustering. In C. A. Floudas & P. M. Pardalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of optimization (Vol. I, pp. 62-68). Dordrecht, London, and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Hubert, L. J., & Arabie, P. (2001). Psychometrics: Combinatorial data analysis. In N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.-in-Chief) & A. A. J. Marley (Vol. Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences: Mathematics and computer science (pp. 2263-2267). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Hubert, L. J., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (2001). Dynamic programming in clustering. In C. A. Floudas & P. M. Pardalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of optimization (Vol. I, pp. 504-513). Dordrecht, London, and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (2001). Combinatorial data analysis: Optimization by dynamic programming. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (2001). Modelling dissimilarity: Generalizing ultrametric and additive tree representations. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 54, 103-123. 2000Hubert, L., Meulman, J., & Heiser, W. (2000). Two purposes for matrix factorization: A historical appraisal. SIAM Review, 42, 68-82. Rounds, J., McKenna, M. C., Hubert, L., & Day, S. X (2000). Tinsley on Holland: A misshapen argument. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 205-215. 1999Mogil, J. S., Wilson, S. G., Bon, K., Lee, S. E., Chung, K., Raber, P., Pieper, J. O., Hain, H. S., Belknap, J. K., Hubert, L., Elmer, G. I., Chung, J. M., & Devor, M. (1999). Heritability of nociception I. Responses of 11 inbred mouse strains on 12 measures of nociception. Pain, 80, 67-82. Mogil, J. S., Wilson, S. G., Bon, K., Lee, S. E., Chung, K., Raber, P., Pieper, J. O., Hain, H. S., Belknap, J. K., Hubert, L., Elmer, G. I., Chung, J. M., & Devor, M. (1999). Heritability of nociception II. 'Types' of nocicpetion revealed by genetic correlation analysis. Pain, 80, 83-93. 1998Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (1998). Graph-theoretic representations for proximity matrices through strongly-anti-Robinson or circular strongly-anti-Robinson matrices. Psychometrika, 63, 341-358. Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulmann, J. (1998). The representation of symmetric proximity data: Dimensions and classifications. Computer Journal, 41, 566-577. Meulman, J. J., Hubert, L. J., & Heiser, W. J. (1998). The data theory scaling system. In A. Rizzi, M. Vichi, & H.-H. Bock (Eds.), Advances in data science and classification (pp. 489-496). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1997Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (1997). Hierarchical clustering and the construction of (optimal) ultrametrics using Lp-norms. In Y. Dodge (Ed.), L1-statistical procedures and related topics [Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes, Vol. 31] (pp. 457-472). Hayward, CA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (1997). Linear and circular unidimensional scaling for symmetric proximity matrices. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 50, 253-284. Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Meulman, J. (1997). The construction of globally optimal ordered partitions. In B. Mirkin, F. R. McMorris, F. S. Roberts, & A. Rzhetsky (Eds.), Mathematical hierarchies and biology [DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science] (pp. 299-312). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. 1996Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (1996). An overview of combinatorial data analysis. In P. Arabie, L. J. Hubert, & G. De Soete (Eds.), Clustering and classification (pp. 5-63). River Edge, NJ: World Scientific. Arabie, P., Hubert, L. J., & De Soete, G. (Eds). (1996). Clustering and classification. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific. 1995Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. (1995). Advances in cluster analysis relevant to marketing research. In W. Gaul & D. Pfeifer (Eds.), From data to knowledge: Theoretical and practical aspects of classification, data analysis, and knowledge organization (pp. 3-19). Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag. Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (1995). Clustering from the perspective of combinatorial data anlysis. In W. Krzanowski (Ed.), Recent advances in descriptive multivariate analysis (pp. 1-13). New York: Oxford University Press. Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1995). Iterative projection strategies for the least squares fitting of tree structures to proximity data. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 48, 281-317. Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1995). The approximation of two-mode proximity matrices by sums of order-constrained matrices. Psychometrika, 60, 573-605. Mirkin, B., Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (1995). Additive two-mode clustering: The error-variance approach revisited. Journal of Classification, 12, 243-263. 1994Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. (1994). Cluster analysis in marketing research. In R. P. Bagozzi (Ed.), Advanced methods of marketing research (pp. 160-189). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (1994). An overview of some aspects of cluster analysis. In C. Arce & G. Seoane (Eds.), III Symposium de Metodologie de la Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento (Actas) [Proceedings from Symposium III on Methodology of Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 67-116). Santiago de Compostela, Spain: University of Santiago de Compostela Press. Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1994). The analysis of proximity matrices through sums of matrices having (anti-)Robinson forms. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 47, 1-40. Mumm, R. H., Hubert, L. J., & Dudley, J. W. (1994). A classification of 148 U. S. maize inbreds: II. Validation of cluster analysis based on RFLPs. Crop Science, 34, 852-865. 1992Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (1992). Combinatorial data analysis. Annual Review of Psychology, 43, 169-203. [pdf file too large to load] Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1992). Correspondence analysis and optimal structural representations. Psychometrika, 56, 119-140. Hubert, L., Arabie, P., & Hesson-Mcinnis, M. (1992). Multidimensional scaling in the city-block metric: A combinatorial approach. Journal of Classification, 9, 211-286. Rounds, J., Tracey, T. J., & Hubert, L. (1992). Methods for evaluating vocational interest structural hypotheses. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 40, 239-259. 1991Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1991). The assessment of spatial autocorrelation through constrained multiple regression. Geographical Analysis, 23, 95-111. 1990Arabie, P., & Hubert, L. J. (1990). The bond energy algorithm revisited. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 20, 268-274. Arabie, P., Hubert, L. J., & Schleutermann, S. (1990). Blockmodels from the bond energy approach. Social Networks, 12, 99-126. Schleutermann, S., Arabie, P. Hubert, L. J., & Bronsard, F. (1990). Some algortihms for "bond energy" data analysis, including simulated annealing. In M. Schader & W. Gaul (Eds.), Knowledge, data, and computer-assisted decisions (pp. 139-152). Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag. 1989Hubert, L. J., & Arabie, P. (1989). The confirmatory comparison of partitions against data matrices using optimally weighted within and between class information. In R. Wille (Ed.), Klassifikation und Ordnung [Classification and order] (pp. 309-317). Frankfurt am Main: Indeks-Verlag. Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1989). Combinatorial data analysis: Confirmatory comparisons between sets of matrices. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 5, 273-325. 1988Arabie, P., Schleutermann, S., Daws, J., & Hubert, L. J. (1988). Marketing applications of sequencing and partitioning of nonsymmetric and/or two-mode matrices. In W. Gaul & M . Schader (Eds.), Data, expert knowledge, and decisions: An interdisciplinary appraoch with emphasis on marketing applications (pp. 215-224). Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag. De Soete, G., Hubert, L. J., & Arabie, P. (1988). On the use of simulated annealing for combinatorial data analysis. In W. Gaul & M. Schader (Eds.), Data, expert knowledge, and decisions: An interdisciplinary approach with emphasis on marketing applications (pp. 329-340). Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag De Soete, G., Hubert, L. J., & Arabie, P. (1988). The comparative performance of simulated annealing on two problems of combinatorial data analysis. In E. Diday (Ed.), Data analysis and informatics 5 (pp. 489-496). Amsterdam: North-Holland. Golledge, R. G., Halperin, W. C..., & Hubert, L. J. (1988). Evaluating models of consumer spatial behavior. In R. G. Golledge & H. Timmermans (Eds.), Behavioral modelling in geography and planning (pp. 38-55). New York: Croon Helm. Hubert, L. J., & Arabie, P. (1988). Relying on necessary conditions for optimization: Unidimensional scaling and some extensions. In H.-H. Bock (Ed.), Classification and related methods of data analysis (pp. 463-472). Amsterdam: North-Holland. 1987Fitzgerald, L. F., & Hubert, L. J. (1987). Multidimensional scaling: Some possibilities for counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, 469-480. Hubert, L. J. (1987). Assignment methods in combinatorial data analysis. New York: Marcel Dekker. Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1987). Evaluating order hypotheses within proximity matrices. Psychological Bulletin, 102, 172-178. Ongley, M. J., Klein, R. G., Dorman, T. A., Eek, B. C., & Hubert, L. J. (1987, July 18). A new approach to the treatment of chronic low back pain. Lancet (No. 8551), Volume II for 1987, 143-146. 1986Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1986). Unidimensional scaling and combinatorial optimization. In J. de Leeuw, W. Heiser, J. Meulman, & F. Critchley (Eds.), Multidimensional data analysis (pp. 181-196). Leiden, The Netherlands: DSWO Press. Hubet, L., & Arabie, P. (1986). Comparing partitions. In W. Gaul & M. Schader (Eds.), Classification as a tool of research (pp. 209-215). Amsterdam: North-Holland. 1985Hubert, L. J. (1985). Combinatorial data analysis: Association and partial association. Psychometrika, 50, 449-467. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Costanzo, C. M., & Gale, N. (1985). Order-dependent measures of correspondence for comparing proximity matrices and related structures. In P. Nijkamp, H. Leitner, & N. Wrigley (Eds.), Measuring the unmeasurable [Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Analysis of Qualitative Data, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 28 - April 1, 1983] (pp. 399-423). Dordrecht, The Netherlands and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Costanzo, C. M., & Gale, N. (1985). Tests of randomness: Unidimensional and multidimensional. Environment and Planning A, 17, 378-385. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Costanzo, C. M., & Gale, N. (1985). Measuring association between spatially defined variables: An alternative procedure. Geographical Analysis, 17, 36-46. Hubert, L., & Arabie, P. (1985). Comparing partitions. Journal of Classification, 2, 193-218. 1984Hubert, L. (1984). [Review of the book Graphs and genes]. Journal of Classification, 1, 275-277. Hubert, L. J. (1984). Statistical applications of linear assignment. Psychometrika, 49, 449-473. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Costanzo, C. M., Gale, N., & Halperin, W. C. (1984). Nonparametric tests for directional data. In G. Bahrenberg, M. M. Fischer, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Recent developments in spatial analysis: Methodology, measurement, models (pp. 171-189). Brookfiled, VT: Gower. 1983Costanzo, C. M., Hubert, L. J., & Golledge, R. G. (1983). A higher moment for spatial statistics. Geographical Analysis, 15, 347-351. Gale, N., Hubert, L. J., Tobler, W. R., & Golledge, R. G. (1983). Combinatorial procedures for the analysis of alternate models: An example from interregional migration. Papers of the Regional Science Association, 53, 105-115. Gliner, G., Goldman, S. R., & Hubert, L. J. (1983). A methodological study on the evaluation of learning from story narratives. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 18, 9-36. Halperin, W. C., Gale, N., Golledge, R. G., & Hubert, L. J. (1983). Exploring entrepreneurial cognitions of retail environments. Economic Geography, 59, 3-15. Hubert, L. J. (1983). Hierarchical cluster analysis. In S. Kotz, N. L. Johnson III , & C. B. Read (Eds.), Encyclopedia of statistical sciences (Vol. 3, pp. 623-630). New York: Wiley. Hubert, L. J. (1983). Inference procedures for the evaluation and comparison of proximity matrices. In J. Felsenstein (Ed.), Numerical taxonomy [Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Numerical Taxonomy, Bad Windsheim, Germany, July 4-16, 1982] (pp. 209-228). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, and Tokyo: Springer-Verlag. Hubert, L. J. (1983). Hierarchical classification. In S. Kotz, N. L. Johnson III, & C. B. 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(1982). Data theory and problems of analysis. In R. G. Golledge & J. N. Rayner (Eds.), Proximity and preference: Problems in the multidimensional analysis of large data sets (pp. 116-130). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Hubert, L. J., & Golledge, R. G. (1982). Comparing rectangular data matrices. Environment and Planning A, 14, 1087-1095. Hubert, L. J., & Golledge, R. G. (1982). Measuring association between spatially defined variables: Tjostheim's index and some extensions. Geographical Analysis, 14, 273-278. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., & Costanzo, C. M. (1982). Analysis of variance procedures based on a proximity measure between subjects. Psychological Bulletin, 91, 424-430. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., & Richardson, G. D. (1982). Proximity matrix reorganization and hierarchical clustering. Environment and Planning A, 14, 195-203. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Kenney, T., & Costanzo, C. M. (1982). Evaluating classification schemes used in reporting criminal justice data. Evaluation Review, 606, 505-520. Pellegrino, J. W., & Hubert, L. J. ((1982). The analysis of organization and structure in free recall. In G. R. Puff (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in human memory and cognition (pp. 129-172). New York: Academic Press. 1981Baker, F. B., & Hubert, L. J. (1981). The analysis of social interaction data: A nonparametric technique. Sociological Methods & Research, 9, 339-361. Froman, T., & Hubert, L. J. (1981). A reply to Moshman's critique of prediction analysis and developmental priority. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 188. Golledge, R. G., Hubert, L. J., & Richardson, G. D. (1981). The comparison of related data sets: Examples from multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis. Papers of the Regional Science Association, 48, 57-66. Hubert, L. J., & Golledge, R. G. (1981). A heuristic method for the comparison of related structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 23, 214-226. Hubert, L. J., & Golledge, R. G. (1981). Inference models for roll-call cohesion measures. Quality and Quantity, 15, 425-432. Hubert, L. J., & Golledge, R. G. (1981). Matrix reorganization and dynamic programming: Applications to paired comparisons and unidimensional seriation. Psychometrika, 46, 429-441. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., & Costanzo, C. M. (1981). Generalized procedures for evaluating spatial autocorrelation. Geographical Analysis, 13, 224-233. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Costanzo, C. M., & Richardson, G. D. (1981). Assessing homogeneity in cross-classified proximity data. Geographical Analysis, 13, 38-50. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Kenney, T., & Costanzo, C. M. (1981). Aggregation in data tables: Implications for evaluating criminal justice statistics. Environment and Planning A, 13, 185-199. Hubert, L. J., Golledge, R. G., Kenney, T., & Richardson, G. D. (1981). 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Hierarchical clustering and the concept of space distortion. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 28, 121-133. Hubert, L., & Schultz, J. (1975). Maximum likelihood paired-comparison ranking and quadratic assignment. Biometrika, 62, 655-659. Pandey, T. N., & Hubert, L. (1975). An empirical comparison of several interval estimation procedures for coefficient alpha. Psychometrika, 40, 169-181. Shultz, J., & Hubert, L. (1975). An empirical evaluation of an approximate result in random graph theory. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 28, 103-111. Spuck, D. W., Hubert, L. J., & Lufler, H. S. (1975). An introduction to educational policy research. Education and Urban Society, 7, 211-219. Spuck, D. W., Hubert, L. J., & Lufler, H. S. (Eds.). (1975). Educational policy research: New views on methodology. [Special issue of] Education and Urban Society, 7(3). 1974Hubert, L. (1974). Problems of seriation using a subject by item response matrix. 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