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Zhang, S., Chang, H-H. (in press). From Smart Testing to Smart Learning: How Testing Technology Can Assist the New Generation of Education. International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning.
Chang, H-.H., Wang, C., & Ying, Z. (2016). Information theory and its application to testing. In van der Linden, W. J. (Ed.), Handbook of item response theory, Volume Two, Statistical Tools (pp. 105-123). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL.
Wang, C. & Chang, H-H. (2016). Cognitive diagnostic assessment. In van der Linden, W. J. (Ed.), Handbook of item response theory, Volume Three, Statistical Tools (pp. XXX-XXX). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL.
Wang, S., Lin, H., Chang, H.-H., & Douglas, J. (2016). Hybrid computerized adaptive testing: from group sequential design to fully sequential design. Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol. 53, No.1, pp.45-62
Chang, H.-H. (2015). Psychometrics behind computerized adaptive testing. Psychometrika. 80 (1), pp.1-20.
Guo, R., Zheng, Y., & Chang, H.-H. (2015) A stepwise test characteristic curve method to detect item parameter drift.Journal of Educational Measurement, 52 (3), pp. 280-300.
Meng, X.B, Tao, J., & Chang, H.-H.(2015). A conditional joint modeling approach for locally dependent item response times. Journal of Educational Measurement, 52 (1), pp.1-27.
Zheng, Y. & Chang, H.-H. (2015) On-the-Fly assembled multistage adaptive testing, Applied Psychological Measurement, 39 (2), 105-118.
Cheng, Y. & Chang, H.-H. (2014). (Ed.) Advanced methodologies to support both summative and formative assessments, Information Age Publisher Inc., Charlotte, NC.
Liu, H., You, X., Wang, W., Ding, S, & Chang, H-H. (2014). Large-scale implementation of computerized adaptive testing with cognitive diagnosis in China. In Y. Cheng & H-H. Chang (Eds.), Advanced methodologies to support both summative and formative assessments, (pp.245-261), Information Age Publisher Inc., Charlotte, NC.
Tao, J. & Chang, H-H. (2014). Weighted estimation methods for mixed-type tests. In Y. Cheng & H-H. Chang (Eds.), Advanced methodologies to support both summative and formative assessments (pp.107-119), Information Age Publisher Inc., Charlotte, NC.
Wang, C., Zheng, C., & Chang, H.-H. (2014). An Enhanced Approach to Combine Item Response Theory with Cognitive Diagnosis in Adaptive Testing. Journal of Educational Measurement, 51 (4), 358-380.
Wang, C., Zheng, Y., & Chang, H.-H. (2014). Does standard deviation matter? Using "standard deviation" to quantify security of multistage testing. Psychometrika,79 (1), 154-174.
Zheng, Y. & Chang, H-H. (2014). Multistage testing, on-the-fly multistage testing, and beyond. In Y. Cheng & H-H. Chang (Eds.), Advanced methodologies to support both summative and formative assessments (pp.21-39), Information Age Publisher Inc., Charlotte, NC.
Zheng, Y., Wang, C., Culbertson, M. J., & Chang, H-H. (2014). Test assembly in computerized multistage testing (pp. 87-98). In D. Yan, A. A. von Davier, & C. Lewis (Eds.), Computerized multistage testing: Theory and applications. New York, NY: CRC Press.
Cheng, Y., Chen, P-H, Qian, J-H., & Chang, H-H. (2013). Differential item functioning detection after equating in BIB design. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37(4), 276-288.
Liu, H., You, X., Wang, W., Ding, S. & Chang, H-H. (2013). The development of computerized adaptive testing with cognitive diagnosis for an English achievement test in China. Journal of Classification,30, 152-172.
Wang, C., Chang, H-H. & Douglas, J. (2013). The linear transformation model with frailties for the analysis of item response times. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 66, 144-168.
Wang, C., Chang, H-H., & Boughton, K. (2013). Deriving stopping rules for multidimensional computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37(2), 99-122.
Wang, C., Fan, Z., Chang, H.-H., & Douglas, J. (2013). A semiparametric model for jointly analyzing response times and accuracy in computerized testing. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38 (4), 381-417.
Yi, Z., Chang, C-H., & Chang, H-H. (2013). Content-balancing strategy in bifactor computerized adaptive patient-reported outcome measurement. Quality of Life Research, 22,491-499.
Chang, H-H. (2012). Making computerized adaptive testing diagnostic tools for schools. In R. W. Lissitz & H. Jiao (Ed.), Computers and their impact on state assessment: Recent history and predictions for the future (pp. 195-226), Information Age Publisher.
Chang, H-H. (2012). New editor's statement. Appled Psychological Measurement, 36(8), 631.
Chen, P-H.,Chang, H-H., & Wu, H. (2012). Item selection for the development of parallel forms from an IRT-based seed test using a sampling and classification approach. Educational and Psychological approach. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72(6) 933–953.
Chen, P., Xing, T, Wang, C, & Chang, H-H. (2012). On-line calibration methods for the DINA model with independent attributes in CA-CAT. Psychometrika, 77(2), 201-222.
Cui, Y., Gierl, M., & Chang, H-H. (2012). Evaluating item selection algorithms in computerized adaptive testing for cognitive diagnosis: a simulation study. Journal of Educational Measurement, 49 (1), 19-28.
Fan, Z., Wang, C., Chang, H-H., & Douglas, J. (2012). Utilizing response time distributions for item selection in computerized adaptive testing. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 37 (5), 655-670.
Sun, S., Tao, J., Chang, H-H. & Shi, N. (2012). Weighted maximum-a-posterior estimation in tests composed of both dichotomous and polytomous items. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36 (4), 271-290.
Tao, J., Shi, N., & Chang, H-H. (2012). Item-weighted likelihood method for ability estimation in tests composed of both dichotomous and polytomous Items. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 37(2), 298-315.
Wang, C., Chang, H., & Douglas, J. (2012). Combining CAT with cognitive diagnosis: a weighted item selection approach. Behavior Research Methods, 44, 95-109.
Zhang, J., Chang, H-H., & Yi, Q. (2012). Comparing single-pool and multiple-pool designs regarding test security in computerized testing. Behavior Research Methods, 44, 742-752.
Chang, H-H. & Wang, C. (2011). Book review: Mark Reckase's multidimensional item response theory. Psychometrika, 76(3), 504-506.
Wang, C. & Chang, H-H. (2011). Item selection in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing --- Gaining information different angles. Psychometrika, 76(3), 363-384.
Wang, C., Chang, H-H., & Boughton, K. (2010). Kullback-Leibler information and its applications in multidimensional adaptive testing. Psychometrika, 76(1), 13-39.
Wang, C., Chang, H-H., & Huebner, A. (2011). Restrictive stochastic item selection methods in cognitive diagnostic CAT. Journal of Educational Measurement, 48 (3), 255-273
Chang,. H-H. & Wang, C. (2010). What can China learn from NAEP? Educational Measurement and Evaluation (Chinese), 2010 (2), 4-9.
Deng, H., Ansley, T., & Chang, H.-H. (2010). Stratified and maximum information item selection procedures in computer adaptive testing.
Journal of Educational Measurement, 47, 202-226.
Chang, H.-H., & Ying, Z. (2009). Nonlinear sequential designs for logistic item response theory models with applications to computerized adaptive tests. The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1466-1488.
Cheng, Y. & Chang. H.-H. (2009). The maximum priority index method for severely constrained
item selection in computerized adaptive testing. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical
Psychology, 62, 369-383.
Cheng, Y., Chang, H.-H., Douglas, J., & Guo, F. (2009). Constraint-weighted a-stratification for computerized adaptive testing with nonstatistical constraints. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, 35-49.
Chang, H.-H. (2008). Psychometrics. In W. A. Darity (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences (2nd. ed., Vol. 6., pp. 587-590). Detroit, MI: Macmillan.
Chang, H.-H., & Ying, Z. (2008). To weight or not to weight? Balancing influence of initial items in adaptive testing. Psychometrika, 73 (3),441-450.
McGlohen, M., & Chang, H.-H. (2008). Combining
computer adaptive testing technology with cognitive diagnostic assessment, 40 (3), 808-821. Behavior Research Methods.
Yi, Q., Zhang, J., & Chang, H.-H. (2008). Severity of organized item theft in computerized adaptive testing: A simulation study. Applied Psychological Measurement.Vol. 32 No. 7, 543-558.
Chang, H.-H. (2007). [Review of the book Linear models for optimal test design]. Psychometrika, 72, 279-281.
Chang, H.-H., & Ying, Z. (2007). Computerized adaptive testing. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of measurement and statistics (Vol. 1, pp. 170-173). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Cheng, Y., Chang, H.-H., & Yi, Q. (2007). Two-phase item selection procedure for flexible content balancing in CAT. Applied Psychological Measurement, 31, 467-482.
Yi, Q., Zhang, J., & Chang, H.-H. (2006). Assessing CAT test security severity. Applied Psychological Measurement, 30, 62-63.
Chang, H.-H., & Cheng , Y. (2005). The new developments and future direction in computerized adaptive testing, Part 2 [Chinese with English abstract]. Testing Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 24-43.
Chang, H.-H., & Cheng, Y. (2005). The new developments and future directions in computerized adaptive testing, Part 1 [Chinese with English abstract]. Testing Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 12-24.
Leung, C.-K., Chang, H.-H., & Hau, K.-T. (2005). Computerized adaptive testing: A mixture item selection approach for constrained situations. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 58, 239-257.
Chang, H.-H. (2004). Understanding computerized adaptive testing: From Robbins-Monro to Lord and beyond. In D. Kaplan (Ed.), The Sage handbook of quantitative methodology for the social sciences (pp. 117-133). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chang, H.-H., & van der Linden, W. J. (2003). Optimal stratification of item pools in alpha-stratified computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 27, 262-274.
Leung, C.-K., Chang, H.-H., & Hau, K.-T. (2003). Computerized adaptive testing: A comparison of three content balancing methods. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 2(5).
Leung, C.-K., Chang, H.-H., & Hau, K.-T. (2003). Incorporation of content balancing requirements in stratification designs for computerized adaptive testing. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 63, 257-270.
Leung, C.-K., Chang, H.-H., & Hau, K.-T. (2003). Making alpha-stratified computerized adaptive testing more practical: Imposing non-statistical constraints.
Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education, 1(1).
van der Linden, W. J., & Chang, H.-H. (2003). Implementing content constraints in alpha-stratified adaptive testing using a shadow test approach. Applied Psychological Measurement, 27, 107-120.
Yi, Q., & Chang, H.-H. (2003). Alpha-stratified CAT design with content blocking. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 56, 359-378.
Chang, H.-H. (2002). Some issues in the design of item selection algorithms for computerized adaptive testing [Chinese with English abstract]. Testing Research, 2, 35-39.
Chang, H.-H., & Zhang, J. (2002). Hypergeometric family and item overlap rates in computerized adaptive testing. Psychometrika, 67, 387-398.
Leung, C.-K., Chang, H.-H., & Hau, K.-T. (2002). Item selection in computerized adaptive testing: Improving the alpha-stratified design with the Sympson-Hetter algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 26, 376-392.
Pastor, D. A., Dodd, B. G., & Chang, H.-H. (2002). A comparison of item selection techniques and exposure control mechnisms in CATs using the generalized partial credit method. Applied Psychological Measurement, 26, 147-163.
Bickel, P., Buyske, S., Chang, H.-H., & Ying, Z. (2001). On maximizing item information and matching difficulty with ability. Psychometrika, 66, 69-77.
Chang, H.-H., Qian, J., & Ying, Z. (2001). Alpha-stratified multistage computerized adaptive testing
with beta blocking. Applied Psychological Measurement, 25, 333-341.
Hau, K.-T., & Chang-H.-H. (2001). Item selection in computerized adaptive testing: Should more discriminating items be used first? Journal of Educational Measurement, 38, 249-266.
Chen, S.-Y., Ankenmann, R. D., & Chang, H.-H. (2000). A comparison of item selection rules at the early stages of computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 24, 241-255.
Mislevy, R. J., & Chang, H.-H. (2000). Does adaptive testing violate local independence? Psychometrika, 65, 149-156.
Chang, H.-H., & Ying, Z. (1999). Alpha-stratified multistage computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 23, 211-222.
Chang, H.-H. (1996). The asymptotic posterior normality of the latent trait for polytomous IRT models. Psychometrika, 61, 445-463.
Chang, H.-H., & Ying, Z. (1996). A global information approach to computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 20, 213-229.
Chang, H.-H., Mazzeo, J., & Roussos, L. (1996). Detecting DIF for polytomously scored items: An adaptation of the SIBTEST procedure. Journal of Educational Measurement, 33, 333-353.
Chang, H.-H., & Mazzeo, J. (1994). The unique correspondence of the item response function and item category response functions in polytomously scored item response models. Psychometrika, 59, 391-404.
Chang, H.-H., & Stout, W. (1993). The asymptotic posterior normality of the latent trait in an IRT model. Psychometrika, 58, 37-52.
Stout, W., Nandakumar, R., Junker, B., Chang, H.-H., & Steidinger, D. (1992). DIMTEST: A Fortran program for assessing dimensionality of binary item responses.
Applied Psychological Measurement, 16, 236.
In Process
Cheng, Y., & Chang, H.-H. (under review). Improving cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing by balancing attribute coverage.
Cheng, Y., Chang, H.-H., & Budescu, D. V. (under revision for resubmission). The maximum dual information method for item selection in cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing.
Last Updated: February 25, 2016
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